District 7 Meetings
Sunday - 7:00PM Serene Teens Alateen InPerson Mtg First Congregational United Church of Christ, 7243 E. South River St., Appleton, WI. Board Room, last door on left.
Sunday - 7:00PM Sunday Spiritual Awakening AFG InPerson Mtg. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 7243 E. South River St., Appleton, WI. Held in Narthex, first door on right. (AA also meets downstairs)
Sunday - 7:00PM Sunday Serenity AFG, InPerson Mtg. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 200 N. Commercial Street, Neenah, WI. Enter via Door A follow signs to classroom #5 downstairs, doors will lock at 7:10PM.
NEW: Sunday - 7:00PM New London AFG. InPerson Mtg, Franklin Park, 301 E Beacon Avenue.
Salvation Army
Monday - 6:00PM Never Alone AFG, Hybrid Mtg. Kaukauna Public Library, 207 Thilmany Rd, #200, Kaukauna, WI. Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666. Meeting held in the boardroom.
Monday - 8:00PM Serenity Through Progress AFG Zoom Mtg, Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666
Tuesday - 8:30AM Attitude of Gratitude AFG (Book Study), Zoom Mtg. Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666
Tuesday - 9:30AM Attitude of Gratitude AFG, Hybrid Mtg. First United Methodist Church, 325 E. Franklin Street, Appleton, WI. ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666. Enter via the carport entrance, downstairs LL111. NOTE: NO meetings on snow days or church holidays!
Tuesday - 10:00AM Hope Renewed AFG InPerson Mtg, Faith Community Church, N2541 Country Road K, Waupaca, WI. Enter via the middle entrance, then right through double doors, then the first door on the right.
Wednesday - 6:30PM Mamas and Papas AFG, InPerson Mtg, Options Treatment Programs 1000 N. Lynndale Drive, Appleton, WI.
NEW: Wednesday - 2:45PM Alateen Connections AFG, InPerson Mtg, Waupaca Public Library, 107 S. Main Street, Waupaca, WI, Basement, Room B
NEW: Wednesday - 6:00PM Alone No More AFG, InPerson, Shawano Recovery Çenter, 710 E Green Bay St. Shawano, WI.
Thursday - 9:00AM One step at a Time AFG. Zoom Mtg. Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666
Thursday - 7:00PM Thursday Night AFG InPerson Mtg. Methodist Church, 24 13th Street, Clintonville, WI. 13th street entrance, down hall, room at end on right side. (AA also meets upstairs)
Thursday - 7:30PM Thursday How AFG Works - (Book Study), Zoom Mtg. Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666.
Friday - 10:00AM AFG Friday Morning At Genesis Club. InPerson Mtg, Genesis Club, 1213 N. Appleton Street, Appleton, WI., Meeting rooms on the first floor.
Friday - 7:00PM Friday Night Meeting InPerson Mtg. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 724 E. South River Street, Appleton, WI., follow main hall to board room on the left
Friday - 8:00PM Kaukauna Friday Night AFG, Hybrid Mtg. Mtg ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666. Peace United Methodist Church, 2300 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Kaukauna, WI. Enter via the carport entrance, follow the hallway to stairs on the right (there is also an elevator). Go to the second room on the right. (AA also meets in separate rooms).
Saturday - 8:00AM Saturday Morning Early Risers AFG. InPerson Mtg. First Presbyterian, 100 Presbyterian St., Shawano, Wi. Park in the parking lot, Entrance by tree.
Saturday - 10:00AM Saturday Morning AFG, Hybrid Mtg, St Bernard’s Church, 1617 W Pine Street, Appleton, WI. Meeting ID: 788 733 701, PW: 252666